Setting the parameters of your ship

Adding Sails to your Ship
Customizing the HUD.
Building your own Ship
Making your own mesh sails.
Instructions on how to control your boat.
Hints on how to sail a boat.
Using the main navigation page of the HUD.
Setting up your sailboat.

The root keel prim has a note-card inside that allows you to change different parameters. (Each sail also has a .sailparams NC, see the sails page for information on that). The root prim of the boat has parameters like the friction with water and the forces from the different sail types. The sails themselves have mostly size and sound parameters.

The note card in the keel is named .params and it understands the following list of parameters. This is evolving and if you need something added to this, let me know. Each line in this file is supposed to look like a LSL statement: Lines starting with // are comments, each NAME=VALUE pair must be on a line by itself. Semicolons and comments are optional. Symbolic values like ZERO_VECTOR are not supported.

        //parameters read from the .params file
pilotsit=<-9.5, 0, 1.0>;	//pilot sit position
pilotrot=<0,0,0>;        	//Euler rotation of pilot
fricwat=0.10;        //friction with water, 0 to 1.0
fricgnd=0.55;        //friction with ground, 0 to 1.0
accmot=0.10;        //acceleration from motor in meters per second squared
txtthrot=1;       //display throttle as text in local chat
bankper=0.15;       //percentage of motor thrust that goes into banking
skyoff=2.0;            //offset between center of boat to bottom of keel
watoff=0.10;          //distance from center of root prim to the water
heelsquare=0.15;    //percentage boat heels from side wind force on square sails
accsquare=0.25;    //efficiency of square sails 
accfaa=0.15;        //efficiency of fore-and-aft sails (faa)
heelfaa=0.05;        //percentage boat heels from the for-and-aft sails
fwdfaa=<0,1,0>;		//forward vector of Fore And Aft sails
heeljib=0.03;	    //percentage boat heels from the jibs
accjib=0.15;	   //efficiency of the jib sails
heelspin=0.10;	//percentage boat heels from the spinnaker
accspin=0.25;		//efficiency of the spinnaker
leehull=0.01;       //how much of the wind pushes the hull
leesail=0.05;       //how much of the wind pushes a raised sail * accsail
minset=10.0;        //minimum sheet set angle
maxset=90.0;        //maximum sheet set angle
maxride=3;        //max ride mode, 1=private only, 2=free ride, 3=captain
hullwidth=1.0;	//half the width between hulls on a catamaran
maxhealth=1000;	//the health of the ship when not damaged at all
repair=1;		//how many health points are added every second for repairs
takedamage=1;	//if set to zero, the ship will ignore cannonballs and other weapons

How do you know what to set the physics parameters to?

accjib, accfaa, accsquare, accspin Set these to zero if you have no sails of the corresponding type. These numbers are typically between 0 and 1. If the sum of all 4 of them is 1.0, then a 10m/s wind would accelerate the boat at 10m/s/s (if all the sails were facing the right direction). This is quite sudden, so keep the numbers small. Lower the fricwat value to increase the maximum speed. Note that the apparent wind calculation lowers the acceleration as the boat travels down wind.

heeljib, heelfaa, heelsquare, heelspin These should also be numbers between 0 and 1. If they all sum to 1.0, a wind of 1m/s would tilt the boat over by 45 degrees (if all the sails were facing in the wrong direction to the wind). So small numbers here are best. This angle falls off rapidly with increasing wind speed and can never tilt the boat over 90 degrees in this simulation.

leehull sets how much the wind will blow your boat around even when no sails are up. leesail sets how much the sails push you in the wind direction even when they are pulling you in the 'sailing' direction. For example: If you are sailing north across a wind from the west, the lee values will cause the boat to crab sideways a little from west to east.

hullwidth: This parameter should be set to near zero for a small boat, larger numbers to make large boats rise a little as they heel. This number should be set to half the distance between hulls on a catamaran.

accmot This is acceleration from the motor. If your boat does not have a motor, set this to 0.0

Disable or enable the acc values depending on what types of sails you have. Use the default values at first and try out the boat! If the acceleration from wind too is too quick for a large boat, then decreased accfaa. If the boat drifts too far after furling the sails, increase fricwat. A low fricgnd value will allow your boat to sail on the ground in an unnatural way, but it should be low enough to allow you to launch off a beach or recover from running aground.

Dynamic Camera Parameters

The .params file also allows you to set up where the point-of-view is in DYN CAM or dynamic camera mode. These parameters are cribbed directly from the LSL Wiki for the llSetCameraParams() function. See the Wiki for the meaning of these. The names of the parameters in the .param files, and their current default values are:
CameraPitch = 10.0;
CameraDistance = 6.0;
CameraBehindnessAngle = 0.0;
CameraBehindnessLag = 0.6;
CameraLag = 0.3;
CameraFocusLag = 0.05;
CameraFocusOffset = <0,0,0.4>;
CameraFocusThreshold = 0.3;
CameraPositionLag = 0.3;
CameraPositionTreshold = 0.0;